Business Corporate Structure Transformation for Unforeseen Circumstances (Mobilization, Illness, Relocation)

In times of turbulence and the inability to plan long-term, business owners need to consider all possible scenarios. We offer to analyze your activities and propose optimal options for unforeseen situations. This will help maintain control over your business and prevent potential operational pauses.


Prepare the business for the owner's absence and prevent the organization's activities from being blocked.

List of Actions

1. Analyze Founding Documents and Organizational Structure to Identify Problem Areas. Develop proposals for amending the founding documents.

Example: By amending the charter, it is possible to introduce a board of directors with the sole authority to elect/dismiss the general director. The possibility of holding board meetings remotely can be considered. This board can be elected from close relatives, with provisions for the director's accountability to the board. This tool will allow the business to continue operations in the owner's prolonged absence. Additional changes can be made to the charter regarding the procedure for transferring the business by inheritance after the owner's departure.

2. Consider Possible Options for Transferring the Business to Trusted Individuals in Emergency Situations.

This measure is radical but helps mitigate the risk of losing the business when remote management is impossible.
Example: Options include transferring the business to relatives or changing the director to a trusted individual. There are many ways to re-register (gifting, real-payment sale, increasing the authorized capital with a new participant's contribution and the previous participant's exit). Each option has risks and consequences; our task is to inform you of these risks and choose the most optimal option.

3. Prepare for the Transfer of Rights to Dispose of/Manage Company Property and Participate in Company Meetings. 
4. Introduce Relatives into the Business for Possible Future Succession.
5. Form a Pool of Key Contacts and Preserve the Business's Intangible Assets. 
6. Prepare an Information Base for Emergency Business Transfer

Example: Transfer of passwords, informing about the document storage system, communication methods, forming a primary business contact base, preparing checklists to support current (routine) activities.


Every business is unique. You cannot take a template and apply it to your case. We offer to analyze your situation, identify weak points, and choose the best option. The world is changing rapidly, and we help you prepare for these changes.

Cost of Services

The cost depends on the volume of work and your needs. There are several options:

  1. Document Analysis and Proposal Development for Amendments (the owner makes the amendments to the founding documents independently).

  2. Document Analysis, Proposal Development for Amendments, Discussion, and Implementation (we develop the proposal, prepare the entire document package, and make the amendments).

  3. Comprehensive Situation Analysis (document and business structure analysis, connection analysis), proposal development for amendments to the founding documents, and alternative options for painless business transfer. Preparation of a phased implementation structure and consultation support (the owner implements all stages independently).

  4. Full Support (from 1 to 4).

For detailed information, contact us at +7 (383) 204-92-11 or send your request via the form below.

You may also be interested in the service from "Usconsult" – "Document Package for Minimizing Business Risks During Partial Mobilization."


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