Legal (Law) Expertise

Legal expertise is a comprehensive approach to solving various tasks and developing strategies. During the legal expertise, Usconsult specialists analyze documents and materials and offer several possible solutions, highlighting the most promising and convenient option considering the client's interests.

Legal Expertise is Necessary for:

  • Making managerial business decisions (when concluding/terminating a contract, assessing the consequences/risks of termination/conclusion, checking the counterparty, buying/selling property/business, assessing the prospects of a lawsuit).
  • Ensuring the safety of a transaction and minimizing all possible risks.
  • Developing a strategy for court defense, assessing the presented documents, the other party's position, and the prospects of the case when a claim is filed against you.
  • Determining the prospects of collection and the optimal strategy for satisfying the claim when you are filing a claim.
  • Conducting a comprehensive legal review of the organization's assets and verifying the actual status of the subject against its declared state.
  • Studying the legal status of a potential or actual partner, customer, third party, transaction counterparty, or investment object.
  • Solving other complex legal issues requiring a multifaceted approach.

Advantages of Legal Expertise from Usconsult:

  • Usconsult strategies work (based on client experience and feedback).
  • Focus on solving the client's task and developing an optimal legal solution (formulating the desired maximum result together with the client).
  • A comprehensive approach to solving the most complex tasks - the project team includes specialists from various legal profiles: taxes, bankruptcy, corporate, energy, ecology, criminal law.
  • Identifying all possible risks and offering ways to minimize them.
  • Offering several solution options with descriptions of the pros and cons of each, indicating the most promising option.

What the Client Receives from Usconsult's Legal Expertise:

  • A clear and understandable overall picture of the issue, the real state of affairs, and confidence.
  • An action plan: a roadmap describing the steps, risks, and necessary evidence to strengthen the position.
  • A negotiation map with the counterparty and other necessary documents depending on the issue and situation.
  • Depending on the type of legal expertise, the result content for the client is regulated individually.

Technology of Legal Expertise Production

A distinctive feature of Usconsult is its proprietary technology for conducting legal expertise.

  1. Stage 1 – Agree on the task and goal with the client, gather necessary information and documents. Prepare a list of research questions based on the client's goals. The preparation time for legal expertise usually ranges from 15 to 20 working days and may vary depending on the task's complexity and the number of research questions.

  2. Stage 2 – Form the project working group. The group leader is a specialist at least at the "Senior Lawyer" level. The group includes specialists from various practices, ensuring a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to each issue. Tasks are distributed among specialists based on their practice and experience.

  3. Stage 3 – Conduct legal expertise with weekly working group meetings. During meetings, brainstorming sessions are held to share ideas and suggestions.

  4. Stage 4 – Document the results of the legal expertise in an expert legal opinion. The opinion includes conclusions in a simple and understandable form and a research section justifying conclusions for each question with references to legislation and judicial practice. The research section allows tracing the logic of conclusions based on available information.

Depending on the type of expertise, the legal opinion may include appendices (which can vary and be modified/added based on the specific situation), for example:

  • Analyzing a court case (determining the optimal strategy, forming a legal position and action algorithm, developing a strategy to strengthen the legal position):

    • Action scheme/algorithm.
    • Chronology of events.
    • Negotiation map.
    • Judicial practice review.
    • Correspondence table between parties.
    • Facts established by court acts.
  • Checking a business for purchase (determining the possibility of a transaction, setting the order and conditions):

    • Reservation of services by individuals and legal entities (assessing the real business operation).
    • List of violations identified by state authorities during company inspections.
    • Financial analysis.
    • List of the company's real estate properties.
  • Analyzing tax risks (assessing the reality of services, recommendations for minimizing risks):

    • Risk-to-evidence ratio of transaction reality.
    • Contract execution analysis with recommendations for eliminating shortcomings.
    • Primary documentation analysis with recommendations for eliminating shortcomings.
    • Contract correspondence analysis indicating evidence.
    • Transaction reality with the counterparty: shortcomings, recommendations for elimination, and justification of reality.
    • Counterparty assessment.
  • Real estate purchase (identifying risks affecting transaction decision-making, developing contract conditions to increase buyer protection):

    • Summary risk map with minimization recommendations.
    • Counterparty-seller checklist.
    • Summary information on the real estate object (land plots, properties).
    • History of ownership transitions for the real estate object.

Our Experience

  1. Legal Expertise for Gas Pipeline Registration:

    • Developed recommendations and strategies for registering rights to the gas pipeline, including dividing registered networks into movable property (gas pipeline branches) and immovable property (gas distribution cabinet).
    • Result: The client registered ownership rights to the gas pipeline.
    • Direction: Real estate.
  2. Legal Expertise for Damage Recovery Due to Property Damage from a Fire:

    • Provided answers about the sufficiency of evidence to satisfy damage recovery claims, gave recommendations for strengthening the position, and resolved procedural issues for filing a claim.
    • Result: The client accepted the recommendations and decided to file a claim.
    • Direction: Damages, litigation.
  3. Legal Expertise – Pre-Audit Tax Analysis:

    • Evaluated tax risks for a client's counterparty, where additional tax charges of about 1 billion rubles were possible. Identified risks and shortcomings in documents, prepared arguments and analytical tables for the tax inspection.
    • Result: No additional charges were included in the inspection report. Tax claims to the client were reduced by 1 billion rubles.
    • Direction: Taxes.
  4. Legal Expertise – Strategy Development for Strengthening Legal Position in a Subsidiary Liability Dispute:

    • Evaluated the possibilities and grounds for recognizing the company as a controlling debtor entity, checked grounds for subsidiary liability, analyzed and proposed options for contesting transactions in a bankruptcy case.
    • Result: Developed a strategy to strengthen the legal position with specific recommendations.
    • Direction: Bankruptcy, subsidiary liability, litigation.
  5. Legal Expertise on Bank's Refusal to Provide Project Financing:

    • Prepared a conclusion for the bank, justifying that the investment agreement did not require government commission approval. Also prepared a non-public conclusion for the client with mechanisms for resolving the situation if the bank did not accept Usconsult's position.
    • Result: The bank accepted Usconsult's conclusion, canceled the refusal, and approved project financing.
    • Direction: Banking and finance, transactions, real estate.
  6. Legal Expertise of Land Purchase Agreement Conditions:

    • Proposed recommendations for eliminating contract interpretation variability, described risks of unclear and contradictory conditions, and provided options for clarifying contract terms.
    • Result: The client used the recommendations to modernize contracts, minimizing risks.
    • Direction: Transactions, contracts, real estate.
  7. Legal Expertise on Proposed Counterparty Contract Amendments:

    • Identified significant civil, criminal, bankruptcy, and tax risks for the client due to proposed contract amendments.
    • Result: The parties refused the amendments, eliminating client risks of 100 million rubles and preserving partnership relations.
    • Direction: Transactions, contracts, real estate.

Why Usconsult?

Several reasons:

  • Individual approach to the client – we do not have standard cases; we develop a unique strategy for each case.
  • We "get along" with numbers – combining legal knowledge with economic expertise to maximize client benefit.
  • Our lawyers delve into both legal and technical aspects of each case. Whether construction, design, land surveying, or tax calculations – we are experts in any field.

Cost of Legal Expertise at Usconsult

The cost is determined individually based on the complexity of the issue, the volume of documents required for analysis, and the tasks assigned to specialists. The cost of legal expertise preparation services starts from 100,000 rubles.

What Do You Need to Do?

Step 1: Dial our phone number +7 383 204 92 11. 

Step 2: Schedule a consultation (remote consultation is possible).


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