Partner Session

A partner session is a constructive discussion among business co-owners (partners) about possible scenarios (both negative and positive), aimed at developing and agreeing on solution options, including:

  • Synchronizing concepts among partners
  • Defining and distributing roles and expectations
  • Agreeing on each partner's contribution and responsibility, including labor functions
  • Developing and agreeing on solutions and action plans for various scenarios
  • Discussing "uncomfortable questions" that are usually not raised by partners

The partner session is conducted by a certified business partnership architect, tax consultant, and managing partner of "Usconsult" LLC, Evgeniya Bondarenko.

Questions Partners Should Discuss Before Starting a Business, Introducing a New Partner, or Transferring a Share to an Employee:

  • What will we do in case of success? And in case of failure?
  • What resources does each partner contribute to the company?
  • How is working time determined, and how are vacations and partner compensation agreed upon?
  • What are the company's vision and values?
  • How will we divide the company/money/rights to content/employees/contracts, etc., in case of separation?
  • What do we do if one of the partners is no longer available?
  • How will profits be distributed (proportionally or not, not distributed until a certain point, or calculated by some formula)?
  • How will conflicts be resolved? Can a partner be excluded from the partnership, and on what grounds? When and under what conditions can a forced buyout of a partner's share be carried out?
  • Who is in charge? Who has veto power and the final say on certain matters? How are decisions made, and how is the right of veto activated?
The absence of rules creates a desire to establish one's own rules.
For example, if partners have not agreed on the terms of business division in advance, when one of the partners comes to this idea, they will act according to their own understanding.
In practice, such understandings lead to the ousting of the other partner and severe corporate conflicts.
Such conflicts destroy the partnership and the business.

Reasons for Conducting a Partner Session

A partner session will help you:

  1. Align goals, values, and "energize" the business for development
  2. Lay a strong foundation for the business
  3. Review agreements
  4. Build balanced relationships with partners
  5. Prevent potential partner conflicts
  6. Establish civilized scenarios for partner separation
  7. Exclude options for forcibly reducing partner rights (management rights, profit sharing, decision-making).

Best Times to Conduct a Partner Session

  • At the stage of discussing joint business – when the decision to cooperate is made
  • When changing the roles of partners in the company
  • Before including a new partner in the company
  • When entering new markets, territories, and cities with new territorial partners
  • During reorganization or structural changes in the business

Why Choose Us?

"Usconsult" legal company is a reliable partner for your business. We work to ensure your confidence in the future.

  • We provide comprehensive legal support for businesses: reducing risks in case of litigation, protecting client interests in court, and continuing to support them further.
  • We develop our own working methods within the legal framework to improve the quality of your interests' protection.
  • We combine law and numbers to develop an optimal business protection strategy, enabling strong management decisions, risk reduction, successful defense of your interests, and sustainable development.

What Do You Need to Do?

Step #1: Dial our phone number +7 383 204 92 11.

Step #2: Schedule a consultation with Evgeniya Bondarenko, managing partner of "Usconsult," head of corporate practice and business reengineering practice, tax consultant, business partnership architect with 22 years of experience in legal protection and business development.


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